The Soul Heals~Love Heals


Amy B Martin is basically an Angel on this earth here to help us regular folks feel infinitely better as we navigate these times!  You are in the most amazing hands with Amy.  She is loving and her remote healings are deep and she literally helps me to step into my power and she helps me feel that I am not insane!  She helps me to understand what is happening and why with love and compassion. 


One of my favorite Amy stories that I like to tell. I told them how Amy is an Angel that was jammed into human skin and your skin is getting so small that your angel wings are starting to poke through lol!!!  Love you to pieces Amy.







Amy B Martin



Specializing Exclusively

In Long Distance Healing 




Awaken The Divine Within

Beyond Healing



Amy B Martin is considered a world class long distance Energy Healer and Soul Whisperer. She specializes in holding space for the core Soul quality of her client’s truest source of authentic power from a deep place of sensitivity, compassion and love.   



Reconnecting You With The Divine And Sacred Alignment Of Who You Really Are And Who Your Soul Is Calling You To Be In This Lifetime.


Amy’s heart centered intuitive gifts allows her to facilitate massive change for her clients resulting in feeling a deeper sense of inner peace that effortlessly creating more space for them to begin living a deeper more peaceful conscious heart centered life.
Highly in demand, Amy has a large international clientele and has worked with thousands of people worldwide and she IS the chosen healer for Margaret Lynch Raniere and Rhys Thomas since 2009.

Full spectrum healings help to reset nervous system and keep your energy resilient, aligned and healed as you move through the deep inner work you are already doing  it is the perfect compliment! ~Margaret Lynch Raniere



Amy helps people call back their spirit and reconnect with the Divine Light… Inner Peace…and Joy of their Souls Inner healer that already exists within them…so they can really feel and remember the truth of who they are and the sacred Alignment of who their Soul is calling them to be in this lifetime really are beyond any trauma, wounding, limitations or dis~ ease.



Amy's clients often say what makes her so unique

is that she has the gift of a non judgmental heart…

and that it is healing for them even when she just listens…

but her clients say they receive so much more!


Her clients also say that she has such a beautiful way of helping people reconnect with who they are on a Soul level, as well as, feel safe feeling whatever is going on inside of themselves... her healing sessions are deep and powerful and helps to bring a sense of calm and deep inner peace so they can navigate whatever they are going through with as much grace and ease as possible. 



Your Inner Calling Truly Is Sacred

There Is Nothing More Sacred Than Being YOU!



Heal Yourself, Heal Your Life, Heal All Life



All sessions are guided by love, every one is special to your needs and specific to what you are trying to nourish and heal within yourself and your life and how it relates to your Soul. 


We will connect before the healing so I can align the healing session with your unique needs. 


*We will be holding the deep and Sacred honoring of you and your healing process.


People often feel a harmonious feeling of well being in bodymind and spirit.




*When your session is complete it is highly recommended if you can allow yourself some free time afterwards to integrate the healing and time to breathe and just "be" in this deeper feeling space before stepping back into your life and your "to do” lists.


*The healings can be very deep and powerful and people find that it can sometime take several days to fully integrate. 



 * It can be very supportive and nourishing if you can allow yourself this quiet time after your session to journal about how you are feeling and reflect on any Aha’ moments to help anchor the healing in at a much deeper level.

Reconnect With The Divine And Sacred Alignment Of Who You Really Are And Who Your Soul Is Calling You To Be In This Lifetime.




Amy B Martin Helps You Call Back Your Spirit ReAwaken To Your Souls Gifts… ReConnect With The Love And Joy… And The Divine Light And Love… That Already Exists Within You… And That Is YOU!.. And… That Divine And Sacred Light… 

That Has Always Been YOU!



It is really common for long term imbalances within the body, mind and/or spirit  to often require multiple sessions in order to facilitate the level of relaxation needed by the body to heal.


Amy never knows what to expect with each healing session… Sometimes healing occurs as a physical healing… or it may show up as an emotional and/or spiritual healing…  all healing begins when we start to expand beyond our trauma, wounding, illness and/or pain and we are able to reconnect with and feel a sense of deep inner peace deep within us no matter what going on in our life and the world.



Each session builds upon the last to Awaken YOU To The Divine Within and the deeper and deeper layers of who you really are.. when you embody your SOULS GIFTS... and who you came into the world to be. and your very reason for being here on the planet... beyond any trauma, wounding and or illness...




Every session is highly individual and Sacredly unique to your specific healing needs and what you are trying to nourish and heal within yourself and your life and how it relates to your Soul therefore I cannot ever make any guarantees or promises but my clients ofter report that the sessions ease pain, worry, fear, so they feel more uplifted, grounded and new found energy and aliveness that flows from the inside out which often gives them deeper feelings of courage and confidence as they navigate through the deeper layers and levels of their healing process. 



Healing AND Loving The World One Soul At A Time


To schedule a session please go to my CONTACT ME page here

or email me at 

Thank you!



"A Woman Who Walks In Purpose Doesn't Have To Chase People Or Opportunities.

Her Light Causes People And Opportunities To Pursue Her.” ~Author Unknown

Amy is an Angel... My Soul needs the healing she so lovingly and beautifully provides.

So excited! to have another session with you Amy I am so glad i figures out a way to keep you in my life so I could continue to do more healing sessions! You really are an angel. I can feel it, my Soul needs the healing you so lovingly and beautifully provide. I bought that really beautiful, soft rose pink blanket to wrap myself up in. When I see it, I think of you. It is so heart warming to be reminded of you. So grateful! ox

Thank you, thank you, thank you Amy!!

The container that you held for me yesterday was just so beautiful and safe.  I really feel so much opened up and may still be opening. I really appreciate you and your work - it is so powerful and healing.  Please know that I really honor you and your gifts! I keep thinking about how easy it was to be with you in that space and how safe and trusting you were and are.  Thank you again so much!!  Sending you all the best blessings and appreciation for all that you helped me give to myself!!  And to the give of healing that you gave me too.

Amy B Martin came into the world as an extremely sensitive and deep feeler empathic Soul.  She felt like she was born on the wrong planet~ and that somehow she missed out on the manual on how to be a human being living in this world.  She struggled for most of her early life because she could feel all of the pain and suffering going on within her family~ and the Soul of humanity~ and everyone was walking around like everything was normal... and everything was ok.. when nothing about it felt normal or ok at all to her and she couldn't even pretend it was.  



Amy suffered in silence and spent many years feeling all alone, crazy and like something was inheritantly wrong with her from a very early age.. this threw her deep onto a lifelong quest of spiritual seeking and healing that eventually led her to energy medicine and her Mystery School training where she was relieved to finally learn there was never anything wrong with her.  It was only her rejection of her sensitivity and her ability to feel really deeply that caused all of her pain and suffering and were actually her greatest spiritual gifts and not the curse she once thought it was... and those are the qualities of a healer.  


Early on her energy healing journey Amy learned that no-one on the planet knows what they are doing, or how to navigate life and everyone on the planet struggles/suffers deeply~ in one way or another and is just trying to figure it all out~ they are just better at hiding it and have different coping and survival mechanisms.


This is exactly why Amy is so deeply passionate about what she does, she loves nothing more than connecting with people heart to heart Soul to Soul... offering them a soft place to land of safety... and love where they can feel true seen.. heard and innerstood...(sometimes for the first time ever) and not feel so alone or crazy in this world with whatever they are feeling or going on inside of them.... and she helps them to reconnect... remember... and really feel that they are Souls here on this beautiful green planet having a human experience. 



Once clients find Amy they often say they are a “lifers” and will continue to working with her regularly because along with the beauifiul healings she is also someone who also listens deeply with a non judgmental heart that  deeply helps in their healing process.  


People just love the healing work they do with Amy because healing sessions not only helps them stay in touch with their true self, but also reconnect with the Gold that already exists deep within them and they can really feel how each session powerfully helps them stay in touch w and reconnect with that Wise Soul part themselves which effortlessly facilitates deep and lasting healing.



What is Energy Healing?

I have been a seeker for most my life and have always sought to reconnect with who I am at the deepest level and in that process I discovered various forms of world renowned energy healing including Reiki and Full Spectrum Healings. 


Up until then, I had no idea I wasn’t even in my body and/or I was running all my energy through my mind until I started receiving regular Full Spectrum Energy healings.


After a healing, I noticed that always felt more expanded… and more connected… to not only my body... but also myself on a Soul level. I felt a deep sense of clarity, energy, aliveness, deep inner peace, and joy and was pleasantly surprise because I started to reconnect with these parts of myself that I thought were lost... and I quickly realized that they had been there all along just deeply hiding.   


I began showing up in my daily life with more presence. more compassion and love for myself the way I had always shown up for others. 


And I could feel in my body how the energy healings were helping me by releasing blocks, and opening up my energy pathways to bring about deep physical, emotional, mental and spiritual healing.  I could feel how they were clearing blocks, opening my chakras and releasing unexpressed pain and trauma, and I naturally started to feel more vitality, peace and harmony inside myself... my life and in the world in a way I had never experienced before.  I started to notice a difference in my life and I found that energy healings to be an effective and powerful way to help me manifest the life my heart and Soul truly desired with grace and ease.  


This is why I am here...and so deeply passionate about I do!






With Amy, we enter that realm of healing. Thank you again, Amy.



Amy is an angel who wrapped and held my broken self more times than I can count.  She held my pieces while I gathered them up.  We are not done yet!  I love you Amy B Martin!!!


AMY DUSTS OFF ANGEL WINGS Amy B Martin Dusts Off Angel Wings To Help You Feel Seen As The Beautiful Soul Of Who You Really Are.


ANGEL ON EARTH Amy B Martin is basically an Angel on this earth here to help us regular folks feel infinitely better as we navigate these times!  You are in the most amazing hands with Amy.  She is loving and her remote healings are deep and she literally helps me to step into my power and she helps me feel that I am not insane!  She helps me to understand what is happening and why with love and compassion. 


DEEPEST HEALING GIFT Amy has deeply helped me to love myself through the process of owning my story, and honoring my feelings... It truly has been the deepest healing gift I have ever offered myself.


VAST HEALING SPACE Thankfully, I had a session with the Angel Amy, and it is ALWAYS at the perfect time.  She holds such a vast healing space, like none other. I tear up thinking about it. I have had many sessions with Amy, and each time she brings me back into myself and my wholeness. 


MY SOUL NEEDS THIS Amy is an Angel... My Soul needs the healing she so lovingly and beautifully provides. I need to figure out a way to keep you in my life so I continue to do more healing sessions!  You really are an angel. I can feel it, my Soul needs the healing you so lovingly and beautifully provide. I bought a really beautiful, soft rose pink blanket to wrap myself up in. When I see it, I think of you. It is so heart warming to be reminded of you. So grateful! ox


AMAZING HEART HEALER I’ve been receiving healings from Amy for the past 5 years now and she is such an amazing heart healer and witness I’m honestly never letting her go! 


PURE LOVE If you have the opportunity to work with Amy, I would highly recommend doing so. She is a true transformational healer.  Amy holds a powerful safe space of pure love and integrity that allows you to drop defenses and wounds that are no longer serving you and pick up the mantle of love and beauty that is the true essence of you.





Call Back Your Spirit


Reawaken To Your Souls Gifts


Reconnect With 

The Love And Joy



The Divine Light... Love... And Deep Inner Peace


That Already Exists Within You


And That Is YOU!




That Divine And Sacred Light 

That Has Always Been YOU!





Reconnect With The Divine Light... Love AND Joy That Already Exists Within You...And That Is YOU!

And That Divine And Sacred Light That Has Always Been YOU!


Reconnect With And Feel The Whispers Of The Still Small Voice Within

That Is Your Soul And The Divine Light

That IS Your Sacred Self
















*Have You Been Trying To Fill An Emptiness That Doesn't Have A Name?

*Do You Not Know What You Want, You Just Know Something Isn't Working?

*Do You Feel Afraid, Disconnected... Exhausted... Overwhelmed... And/Or Out Of Balance?

* Maybe You Even Feel Like You Are Lost.... All Alone... And/Or Suffering In Silence~ But Maybe You Don't Even Know Why?


And Maybe You Even Feel A Little Crazy Sometimes???  



If You Can Answer YES To Any Of This

Please Know That

I Know What That Feels Like

Because I Have Been There Too


And That You Are Not Crazy

And You Are Not Alone




That It Is Exactly Why 

We All Need Each Other So We Don't Feel So Lost And Alone


And Also Why We

Could All Deeply Benefit

From Receiving Energy Healings 



Having Our Chakras Balanced 







It IS The Missing Link!





If You And Your Soul Are Feeling Called To 

Feeling Deeply And Sacredly Honored And Held 

While Being Wrapped In Love

As You Navigate Your Way Through Your Own Inner Healing Journey

As You Continue On This Journey Of 







This Is Your Year


The Part Of You 

Who Is Ready To Be Acknowledged ... 

Known...To Be Seen... Heard... Loved... Supported... 

Cherished... Adored... And Embraced... 


Maybe Even For The First Time 

In Your Life Ever!


You Are In The Right Place If You Feel Deeply Called To

Feel Softly Held In Deep Reverence, Gentleness And Healing Love

As You Navigate Your Way Through All Of The Uncertainty


And Heal Through Hard Wired Blocks And Nervous System Levels 

As You Continue To Sacredly Rebuild

Your Foundation Of Inner Strength

And Your Temple Of Divinity From the Ground Up


So You Can Stand More Grounded And Solidly In Who You Are

And Embody Your Right To

Take Up Space, Exist And Being Seen In The World

With Safety And Trust In A Whole New Way 


And You Continue To Feel Deeply Called To 

Expand And Heal And Grow Into

The Most Grounded, Solid, Powerful Authentic Version Of You





“I have come to draw you out of yourself and take you into my heart. I have come to bring out the beauty you never knew you had, and lift you like a prayer to the sky.”  Rumi


Please Ask How You Can Work With Me

So You Can Feel Softly Held, Honored And Loved

As We Gently Draw You Out Of Yourself

And We Bring Out The Beauty...Boundless Joy... And Love...

That You Never Knew You Even Had

As We Lift You Up Like A Prayer To The Sky!


I Only Have A Small Handful Of Spots Open Right Now!​




I cannot think of a more beautiful or powerful a way to continue to honor you… and your process… 

than by allowing yourself to be in a deep and Sacred honoring and healing space for YOU… 

because the truth is,

YOU Matter…


Your FEELINGS Matter… 


Your Tender HEART

And ALL Of Your LOVE..


Your Unconditional DELIGHT and HAPPINESS....



And All of Your Boundless JOY For Life


Really.... And Truly Do.... ALL Matter!







How Different Would Your Life Be

If You Committed To Making This Year 


The Year That You Spend 

More Sacred And Healing Time 

With You AND Your Soul?! 


What Would Be Possible?

When We Talk About Soul Level Healing 

Or Even Abundance 

And What We Want To Lovingly Create For Ourselves...

What Soul Level Healing Or Abundance 

Are You Willing To Lovingly Gift Yourself And Your Soul This Year?

How Can You Show The Universe 

This Is What I Deserve... 

This Is What I Need...

And That, I Matter... 

How I Feel Matters....




Can You Be All In On This?

Are You~ All In~ On

Lovingly... And Compassionately 

Gifting Yourself What You And Your Soul Wants

And What You Both Really Need? 



This Is Such An Important Thing To Declare 

To Not Only Yourself 

But To The Universe.


I Do Deserve This Time...

This Attention.

I Matter

My Soul Matters

How I Feel Matters

How My Soul Feels Matters

Are You All In On Giving Yourself And Your Soul What You Really Need?

What If You Gifted Yourself And Your Soul 

Regular Healings Once Or Even Twice A Month?


How Different Would Your Life Be 

If You Could Feel Lovingly Held 

In ALL Of Your Feelings... And All Of Your Souls Desires?

And Feel Really Really Seen 

Maybe For the First Time In Your Life... 


What Would Be Possible For You?


Don't Allow Another Year Go By

Your Soul Will Thank You!



If any of this is calling you, I just wanted to take a moment and honor you... and your healing process... and presence you... and the Divine and Infinite part of you... and all you have both been through that brought you here.

Thank you for blessing me with the privilege of being able to hold such a deep and Sacred Honoring of YOU... and your healing journey... and I look forward to connecting with you and your beautiful Soul soon.... 

Until then if it is ok with you, I will be sending you and your littlest version of you the softest rose pink blanket of Divine and Infinite love to wrap yourselves up in and I am holding you both ever so softly in my heart until you are able to hold both of you on your own.






*Feel Completely Held, Seen, And Loved In A Really SoftNurturingSafe, Compassionate and Loving Container 

*Heal Through Unprocessed Emotions... 

 *Nourish Your Heart And Soul

*Tune In To And Feel In Your Body How Your Soul Specifically Speaks To You... 

*Honor It And Feel How It Has Been Calling You To Your Life And Your Purpose Every Moment Of Every Day Through Your Emotions and Your Energy Body!



If any of this is calling you, I just wanted to take a moment and honor you... and your healing process... and presence you... and the Divine and Infinite part of you... and all you have both been through that brought you here.


Thank you for blessing me with the privilege of being able to hold such a deep and Sacred Honoring of YOU... and your healing journey... and I look forward to hearing from you and connecting with you and your beautiful Soul soon....


Until then if it is ok with you, I will be sending you and your littlest version of you the softest rose pink blanket of Divine and Infinite love to wrap yourselves up in and I am holding you both ever so softly in my heart until you are able to hold both of you on your own.





When it is just you, you feel connected with your own Sacred and Divine Intelligence... and Inner Calling...

you can feel the expansiveness of your Heart and your Soul


and you can feel the pull of the still small voice within you...


you feel like you are totally connected and you can feel how you are being called to do something more with your life...


But then there are also the moments where it feels

so overwhelming... scary...  

 terrifying.... and extremely painful...

you feel lost... contracted... small...unworthy... and insignificant...


to the point that you feel crazy because

even the thought of being seen shining your brilliance 

and your light,

feels overwhelming... and so exhausting...

that you collapse and want to give up. 


You know all too well by now

that this pattern has caused you a

tremendous cycle of pain and suffering

and you have this deep inner knowing by now,

that you can’t do it alone... 


AND The Good News Is

Now You Don’t Have To! 




Hi my name is Amy B Martin, and I know what it feels like because I have been there too.

Not many people know this about me

but before doing this work


I lived in a silent inner torment

knowing I was called to do something more with my life…


something that had a deeper sense of meaning

that made a difference not only for myself but for others...


I felt a deep inner calling

and a deep Soul pull that kept me awake at night~


but I was too afraid to take the leap of faith and to put myself out there in a bigger way and be seen in a greater light. 


Because who was I

and how could I possibly survive doing what I was feeling called to do

especially when I couldn't even help myself?


  It was too hard.  I was terrified


I had tried for many many empty and lost and alone years on my own


and it was an extremely painful process


and it never seemed to get any easier 



Then in 2009 my life completely changed....

and now I am living my passion and my purpose....

and this is exactly why I am so deeply passionate about what I do!





Your Inner Calling Is Sacred



On The Planet Or In The World


Is More Sacred Than Being YOU!



Healings with Amy help you to reconnect with

The Divine and Sacred Alignment Of Who You Really Are


What You And Your Soul Really Want 

And Need You To Be


And Who Your Soul Is Calling You To Be

In This Lifetime  



And You Will Begin To See And Really Feel

That Without This


How You Will Always Continue To Feel









And How We Can Keep Re~Creating

The Next Week


The Next Month


The Next Year


Where It Always Feels Like Something Really Big Is Missing....


Something We Can't Quite Put Our Finger On...



But All We Do Know Is

We Feel Out Of Balance...


And We Feel Empty... Lost...  And All Alone...


And We Feel

That Something Is Just Not Quite Right,


But What We Do Know Is That


We Have Lost Our Connection With Inner Peace, Joy...

And Unconditional Happiness...Exuberance 


And If We Were Really Honest With Ourselves


There Is Even A Lack Of

Passion And Enthusiasm And Joy For Life 

That We Once Had


That Are All Missing But We Have No Idea Why...



During The Healing

You Will Reconnect With The Real You...



And Awaken To The Most Powerful

Authentic Real Versions of You...



The Part Of You

That You LOVE And ADORE the Most



That Part Of You That Feels







And Is So So Ready And Longing

To Be Called Forward And Seen In A Greater Way...




This Is Your Year



The Part Of You


Who Is Ready To Be Acknowledged ...


Known...To Be Seen... To Be Heard... To Be Loved... Supported...


Cherished... Adored... And Embraced...



Maybe For The First Time

In Your Life Ever!



Together We Will Go On A Journey 


And You Will Feel What It Feels Like In Your Body



To Reconnect With This Part Of Yourself

Who You May Have Even Thought Was Lost...



And You Will Realize

That She's Always Been There All Along


She's Just Been Deeply Hidden...  



But Has Been Longing To Be Called Forward

To Be Seen In A Greater Way...



Begin Expanding Beyond

The Chains... The Heaviness...


Feel The Weight Of The World 

That Is Bearing Down Upon You

Begin To Fall Away 



Expand Beyond

All Of The Stress... 




And Wounding

Of Your Past... 



And Rise Above


All Of The Pain Of The 

Old Rules, Painful Patterns And Habits,

Limiting Belief And Hurts


To Energetically Free Yourself


So You Can Begin To Feel




Vibrantly Alive...






And A Deeper Sense Of


Inner Stillness...  And Inner Peace




Reconnect With The Deepest

Most Sacred

Soul Parts Of You

Before You Became Lost





Each Session Powerfully Builds Upon The Last

And Is Highly Unique In Supporting You


As You Continue Deepening

And Expanding Into The Dynamic Range

Of Your Soul's Innate Purpose 

And Your Personal Healing Energy

That You Are Here To Bring To The World In Your Own Unique Way



Reconnect With The Deeper Layers Of Not Only The REAL You...


But With Your Divinity Embodied

And Your Divine Light




And With Each Session

Expand Deeper And Deeper


Into The Truth Of Who

YOU Really Are



Your Specific Reason For Being As A Soul Here


Having A Human Experience On This Beautiful Planet!




Amy Also Uses Recordings Of Crystal Bowls

Softly Playing In the Background As Part Of The Healing. 


The Crystal Bowls along with the energy healing tend to evoke powerful images, sensations and energies that serve as messages from your Soul. 


This powerful experience will include a Soul reading, and people often share they are full of powerful Aha moments... and experience dream like states of consciousness... that create deep and powerful inner shifts that often continue to evolve and unfold for many years to come. 


The Goal Of All Healings

Is For You To Be Able To Eventually Embody 

This Level Of Expansion, Aliveness And Healing

On A Soul Level Energy

On Your Own 




Each Healing Session Is Highly Unique

And Truly Builds Upon The Last



If You Want To To Accelerate Your Healing Journey  


And Train Your Energy Body

Until You Feel Like You Can 

Safely Embody And Hold 

All Of This Beautiful Energy And Presence 

That Is The Real YOU

On Your Own 


It Is Highly Recommended

That You Receive Regular Healing Sessions

Until You Feel Like You Can Hold It On Your own 





Did you know that true healing occurs on the Soul level and can have a deep and profound impact on our physical. mental, emotional, and Spiritual well being?


Effortlessly soothing and healing past wounds and traumas~ with Divine Grace and Ease~ like a Sacred healing balm?



I Have Come To Gently Draw You Out Of Yourself And Take You In My Heart.

I Have Come To Bring Out The Beauty You Never Knew You Had,

And Lift You Like A Prayer To The Sky.” ~Rumi



When We Touch Our Soul And We Remember Who We Truly Are

At The Very Deepest Level~ And We Reconnect With Our Divinity

And We Remember That Part Of Ourselves That We Love The Most....

We Literally Have The Potential To Heal From Anything. 



The Miracle And/OR The Healing Doesn't Come From Outside Of You

The Miracle And The Healing IS YOU!!!



Amy is an Angel... My Soul needs the healing she so lovingly and beautifully provides.

So excited! to have another session with you Amy I need to figure out a way to keep you in my life so I continue to do more healing sessions! You really are an angel. I can feel it, my Soul needs the healing you so lovingly and beautifully provide. I bought that really beautiful, soft rose pink blanket to wrap myself up in. When I see it, I think of you. It is so heart warming to be reminded of you. So grateful! oxoxox 



Amy brings amazing healing to the world!  

Amy is basically an Angel on this earth here to help us regular folks feel infinitely better as we navigate these times!  You are in the most amazing hands with Amy.  She is loving and her remote healings are deep and she literally helps me to step into my power and she helps me feel that I am not insane!  She helps me to understand what is happening and why with love and compassion! 



Did You Know That

God Does Not Make Mistakes

And That You Did Not Come Here 

To Be Wounded, Sick Or Broken...

And That It Is Our Divine And Sacred Birthright

To Be Full Of Light And To Feel Vibrant, Happy, Whole And Complete?!




The Power OF The Heart
To work with Amy B Martin and have her counsel and caring concern is a beautiful experience, each and every time. She has an ability to "see" inside to where healing is needed with gentle, powerful love.
She is uniquely gifted and a gift to all she works with.

Deep listening is the kind of listening that can help relieve the suffering of another person. You can call it compassionate listening. You listen with only one purpose: to help him or her to empty his heart.  ~Nhat Hanh




The Soul Heals~Love Heals


Awaken The Divine Within 

Exclusively Specializing In International

 Long Distance Healing Sessions Since 2009



 If I Offered To Hold You In A Very

Safe... Gentle... Loving Container



And You Knew That Each Time We Met 

We Would Be Holding A Sacred And Nourishing 

Space For You To Re~Awaken 


That Is Your Divine Birthright 


And You Knew Each Time We Connected

We Would Be Reconnecting You 

With This Divine And Sacred Part Of You


That Part Of You, You Love The Most 

And Who Is Still There 

She's Just Deeply Hidden 

But Longing To Be Called Forward To Be Seen

In A Bigger Brighter Way


And You Knew I Would Be Right There With You

Softly Holding And Horning This Part Of You With You

 Until You Could Hold It On Your Own...


So You No Longer Felt Empty... Lost... Or Alone


And Instead You Began To Feel More

Open... Vibrantly Alive...  

And Overflowing With A Sense Of

Beauty, Wonder, Love, Awe And The Joy Of Life


 Would You Take Your First Step

In Creating And Living

Your BEST And Most BEAUTIFUL Life?





IF You Can Answer YES To This

Than This Is For You


What  I love about my work with Amy B Martin: 

Amy is the most sensitive and empathetic healer i have ever met in my life.  A life which was full of many different kinds of energy healing. No one sees through me into my most sensitive and vulnerable parts like she can. No one I ever met is capable of giving so much of her unconditional love.  A long-distance session with her feels craniosacral therapy to me, as if she was touching me directly through the phone.  If you want to be seen, and heard, and supported by a super sensitive and loving soul Amy Martin is is my full hearted recommendation.  


The Wound Is The Place Where the Light Enters You. ~Rumi 


Whenever I need my energy soothed or feel like I need to integrate changes in my life, I make an appointment with Amy. She holds my heart and energy so beautifully. Her healings reconnect me to myself, my softness and my power. 






Amy B Martin holds a really deep and Sacred Soul Space for people to feel Divinely seen, heard, innerstood and loved for who they really are at the core of their Soul's essence.

 Amy beautifully guides people to navigate the depth and beauty of their Soul's emotions~ and what is going on inside of them~ no matter what they are going through~


Amy does this with great gentleness, compassion and love which allows a really beautiful and powerful opening for others to effortlessly reconnect with a part of themselves they love the most.. .and vividly remembering the feelings they had as a child when they were still fully connected with that Universal and Eternal part of themselves. 



There's A Candle In Your Heart, Ready To Be Kindled.

There Is A Void In Your Soul, Ready To Be Filled.

You Feel It, Don't You? ~Rumi



Amy realized on her own inner healing journey

that feeling seen for who we really are in our Core Soul Essence and being lifted up for sharing our Spiritual Gifts, along with having a safe Sacred space to allow our feelings to flow until we are able to hold it on our own~ in a world that has never offered this to us before~ has been everything for her...


In Energy Medicine we learn that it is not only what we ALL need the most...


but it is what every single person on the planet LONGS for the most... is that deep intimate... raw... vulnerable connection... of being truly seen and held...

and no one on the planet knows how to do it...

and they are all terrified of it...



Amy has experienced time and time again, through her own healing journey and walking the healing path with others, that when we have someone there for us... holding a gentle safe loving presence and guiding us into this deepest part of ourselves... it has the healing potential to create a really beautiful and powerful opening

and reconnects us with a deeper sense of not only love... connection... and inner peace

but also a deeper sense of new found 

reverence... wonder... awe... beauty and a joy for life.




And the beautiful thing is that the more we share...

the more we heal...

and the more we heal

the more we reconnect with these deepest parts of ourselves...

and the more it also gives others permission to do the same.



And That Is Means To Be A TRUE Healer....

And Leader On The Planet.


Healing the World Begins With YOU!



Rarely have I found one with the kind spirit Amy embodies.

I have been blessed over my life with remarkable, talented teachers and received healings that span the gamut from physical to distance and beyond.  Rarely have I found one with the kind spirit Amy embodies.  Using soft strength Amy holds space she listens with her heart, reflect the best of you back to yourself and whisper the next step for your best support. Her level of talent is rarely found even in the healing community.  I am so grateful I chose to connect and allow!  



The Soul Heals

Love Heals


Your Inner Calling Is Sacred


There Is Nothing More Sacred 

Than Being YOU   


After my session I slept really, really well.  The best I have slept in months!  Next 2 days were a deep level of integration.  I emerged from that feeling so much, better.  More grounded, more peaceful, more connected, more whole, more complete…more ME!!  I will return for more of this delicious elixir as I journey forward in this Divine Matrix.  Thank you Amy.  You are a brilliant blessing to humanity!





When The Soul Heals

The Potential And Possibilities Are Infinite!


Each Healing Experience Is Highly Unique And Individual




Hear What People Are Saying

The Power OF The Heart

To work with Amy B Martin and have her counsel and caring concern is a beautiful experience, each and every time. She has an ability to "see" inside to where healing is needed with gentle, powerful love. She is uniquely gifted and a gift to all she works with.


What  I love about my work with Amy B Martin:


Amy is the most sensitive and empathetic healer i have ever met in my life. A life which was full of many different kinds of energy healing.  No one sees through me into my most sensitive and vulnerable parts like she can.  No one I ever met is capable of giving so much of her unconditional love. A long-distance session with her feels craniosacral therapy to me, as if she was touching me directly through the phone. If you want to be seen, and heard, and supported by a super sensitive and loving soul Amy Martin is is my full hearted recommendation.  


To receive the most benefits from your healing it is highly recommended that you block off at least 2 hours for yourself where there will be no interruptions.  


So I can align your energy healing specifically to your unique needs, we will talk before your healing and will do a voice or video call gently guided by love to reconnect you with your Soul.  


Your Healing Has Already Begun!


No matter what you are navigating at the time~ during your sharing, I will do intuitive readings and mirror/reflect back to you and gentle reawaken that Eternal Core Soul part of you.



My Soul Is From Else Where I Am Sure Of It

And I Intend To End Up There.  ~Rumi


Every session is highly individual and Sacredly unique to your specific needs and what you are trying to nourish and heal within your life, as well as, within your Soul.  



I will gently invite you to get comfortable, and I will begin the healing while playing a recording of crystal bowls to soothe and quite your mind and to reconnect you with your body and your Core Soul Essence. 

People often share they experience deep and profound feelings, they may see colors or images, and often report even hearing Sacred messages.  


Each healing experience is highly unique, as no two sessions are alike.  


During the healing it is very common for people to feel a sense of  deep relaxation and inner peace, as well as, a sense of lightness and buoyancy and there are also inner shifts that often continue to unfold for days and weeks to come.  


At the end of your healing, we will talk very briefly~ for you share your healing experiences with me and to anchor it all in for you and also to keep you in that deeper feeling state~ and I will share any other intuitive readings that may come through for you to bring closure to your healing session.


Deep work for Understanding and Reframing

Amy laser focused on me and what I needed to heal. She is an excellent listener and gently asked some opening up questions. She re framed past experiences and gave me brilliant insights. One was my 7 week premature child, Scotty. I saw him as my inner child that wanted and needed to be loved and that was what I gave him before he passed on. Instead of holding him just in my heart I now see him as a guardian angel that is always with me. Just this one comforting thought is golden value.

Rarely have I found one with the kind spirit Amy embodies.

I have been blessed over my life with remarkable, talented teachers and received healings that span the gamut from physical to distance and beyond.  Rarely have I found one with the kind spirit Amy embodies.  Using soft strength Amy holds space she listens with her heart, reflect the best of you back to yourself and whisper the next step for your best support. Her level of talent is rarely found even in the healing community.  I am so grateful I chose to connect and allow!


Come Dance With Your Soul And With Me

 Individual Healing Session/Soul Guidance 


For Those Beautiful Souls Who Are All IN

Who Are Really Invested In Their Healing 

And Ready To Say YES!!! 

To Themselves... Their Soul.... And Their Purpose!!!




For An Incredible Savings!


This Is Such An Amazing Value 

And A Really Beautiful And Powerful Investment 

Not Only In Yourself AND Your Purpose


But It Is Also The Gift That Will Keep On Giving 


IMAGINE The Potential Reverberating Effects

Your Own Deep Inner Healing Offers Not Only You this Coming Year


But Also the Potential It Also Has To Offer

 As Your Healing Will Also Reach Out Beyond You

To Your Family...Friends... And Truly All Of Your Loved Ones...


And Everyone Whose Life You Touch 

Just Like A Pebble In The Water


As Of Right Now I Still Have A Small Handful Of Slots Open

So Sign Up Now For This Package While This Amazing Offer Still Lasts



Pay in full, And Save 

Leaving More Money In Your Pocket!!!


Payment plans are available upon request!

Just Ask!



This Offer Is So Amazing That I Cannot Promise

I Will Ever Be Able To Offer IT Again!!!



Rest Assured

That Even If You Are Not In A Place

Where You Can Financially Commit

To Signing Up For

One Of My Discounted PREPAID Healing Packages

Or My Monthly Healing Memberships



That My Regular Session Pricing

Is Still An Amazing Value!!! 





Soul Songs

Hear What People Are Saying


Wrapped And Held

Amy is an angel who wrapped and held my broken self more times than I can count.  She held my pieces while I gathered them up.  We are not done yet lol.  I love you Amy B Martin!!!



Such a great loving experience 

I was in a tough spot when Amy started to talk to me and everything got light and bubbly. Healings usually take some time to integrate with me. Next morning I woke up so happy and peaceful. I still KNOW who I was being during and after the healing and I feel my spirit has been liberated just a little bit more. More and more I feel my souls purpose sneaking up on me. Lovely experience with Amy and Amy is facilitating the liberating along with my willingness to open up to her healing love.



Heart Healing

I’ve been receiving regular healings from Amy for the past 8 years now

and she is such an amazing witness I’m honestly never letting her go! 



Amy was amazing.I was really nervous going into the session but Amy was so gentle and understanding. I felt heard and completely safe with her. She really listened to what I was saying and helped me see things from a new perspective. I felt such subtle and gentle shifts inside me and am I so excited to move forward with my life after so long feeling stuck.


A Gifted Healer

If you have the opportunity to work with Amy, I would highly recommend doing so. She is a true transformational healer.  Amy holds a powerful safe space of pure love and integrity that allows you to drop defenses and wounds that are no longer serving you and pick up the mantle of love and beauty that is the true essence of you.




Amy Brings Amazing Healing To The World!

Amy is basically an Angel on this earth here to help us regular folks feel infinitely better as we navigate these times!  You are in the most amazing hands with Amy.  She is such a loving witness and her remote healings are deep and she literally helps me to step into my power and she helps me feel that I am not insane!  She helps me to understand what is happening and why with love and compassion! 



Amazing Healer

I had a healing session with Amy recently and it was a beautiful experience. I was able to go to a very deep place and feel the energy move through my body.  She is such a caring and loving person and she holds a safe space for transformation to take place.  Amy is so gifted at being the compassionate, empathetic container. Yes, those are her super powers! She also related insights that felt like "truth"! I won't forget them.

I'm so grateful! Thank you Amy!



Amazing Presence, Beautiful Soul

Amy is amazing in her ability to listen & draw from you what you need to vocalize & articulate. As I told her recently, she has an amazing ability to create a safe space for me to talk about things I did not know I even needed to talk about. That healing presence along with the crystal tones & distant healing make her an amazing human being & even better healer.  So glad I have gotten to experience this.




Beautiful Healing Sessions

As always the session with Amy was amazing.  What I realize is that so much comes out when I talk, like a stream of consciousness that needs to be healed.  She has such a depth of listening that healing in itself.  SO much of healing is just being heard at her level of listening/healing.  I am grateful to have Amy in my life.




Amazing Healing Session

Amy is one of the most gifted pure hearted healers I have ever worked with.  So intuitive, so loving, so gentle, and so magical. I always leave my healing sessions feeling uplifted, enlightened, Loved, and feeling physically better as well. I highly recommend the experience of working with Amy it is like no other.





Unburdening Parts Of Self

Hearing Amy's voice is so accepting, caring and loving.  It allowed me to talk freely about what I needed help with.  She has the ability to hold it all. During my healing past burdens surfaced.  After the healing I was able to connect with a part of me I had lost as a teenager.  A teenager that was deeply hurt because I turned my back on her to receive love from my family.  That conditional love has restrained me for a long time.  Amy's healing was the catalyst to freeing a beautiful part of me.












*I understand that Energy healing is a simple, gentle, long distance and also hands-on energy technique that is used for stress reduction and relaxation. Energy Healing practitioners do not diagnose conditions nor do they prescribe or perform medical treatment, prescribe substances, nor interfere with the treatment of a licensed medical professional. 

Energy healing does not take the place of medical care. It is recommended that I see a licensed physician or licensed health care professional for any physical or psychological ailment I may have.   Energy Healing can beautifully and powerfully complement any medical or psychological care you may be receiving, knowing that the body has the ability to heal itself and to do so, complete relaxation is often beneficial.

Long term imbalances in the body sometimes require multiple sessions in order to facilitate the level of relaxation needed by the body to heal itself.


Amy B Martin is not a doctor or a therapist and she makes no promises, claims, guarantees or representations regarding medical diagnosis and/or medical treatment, and is neither diagnosing, preventing nor treating specific mental, emotional and/or health challenges, therefore payments are non refundable. The healings Amy offers help to charge, restructure, clear, ground and energize each of the energy centers so you can begin to feel connected to your life and your purpose again.  Healings are about helping you feel your deeper Soul inner purpose and calling and feel that connection with your life, balancing, aligning and supporting your nervous system allowing you to remember who you really are and what it feels like to be you at the deepest level.  Sessions have the potential and ability to compliment most medical care that is already being given and although they can work beautifully together, it is never advised to be used in replacement of medical supervision and care from your primary doctor or therapist. 


*I understand and am fully aware that energy healing practitioners do not diagnose illness, disease or mental disorders nor do they perform medical treatment, prescribe substances, nor interfere with the treatment of a licensed medical professional. I acknowledge Amy B Martin is not a licensed physician or psychologist. I understand that energy healing does not take the place of medical care. It is recommended that I see a licensed medical professional for any physical or psychological ailment I may have. I understand that energy medicine healing can complement any medical or psychological care I may be receiving, but is not a substitute for nor take the place of care. I acknowledge that long term imbalances in the body sometimes require multiple sessions in order to facilitate the level of relaxation needed by the body to release and heal itself. I understand that I am entitled to stop a healing session at any time, with or without cause. I release Amy B Martin from any and all claims of liability, malpractice, or lack of informed consent. I understand that this session(s) will not heal or cure me and that I am responsible for my own healing. I understand that Amy is trained to hold a powerful intention for every healing for my highest and best good, and that a deep and Sacred and Safe space is always being held for me at all times. Privacy Notice: No information about any client will be discussed or shared with any third party without written consent by the client.