The Soul Heals~Love Heals




Let Me Gently

Take You By The Hand


Let's Walk Soul To Soul 


Let's Go Find Out!



We, The World, Want Our Soul Back.


We Need This Message Now, More Than Ever.


This Is Faith, Hope, Courage And Love All Wrapped Up In 80 Minutes Of Inspiration. 




Finding Joe:

A Story About Joseph Campbell

And The Hero’s Journey



Each of us is GOLDEN by nature.

We were born GOLDEN,

We were born HIGH, 

We were born KNOWING,

We were born CONNECTED to our BLISS,

We were born knowing TRUTH,


We were born knowing everything
that every great Spiritual Master has ever said,


We were one with the
Christ, the Buddha, everyone.


But then we went to school and
they said you had to be just like this,
and they said these are boys and girls,
these are white people.... and black people.....
 and on and on and on.

And so we developed the
casing of stone over

(the part of us that is like)

the Buddha 
to point where at a young age, 
maybe four or five six or seven,
we believe that we are the
stone Buddha, 
not the Golden one.


And then, something comes along 
that cracks our casing,
maybe it's an injury, 
a divorce, 
financial setbacks, 
our governmental change,
something that really
scares us 
and bugs us
and knocks off 
a piece of our armour,
and only in that moment 
of the armour is
being knocked off, 
do you get a look inside
and see the GOLD. 


Let me tell you friend, 
that the moment you see that GOLD,
the armour and the concrete
will never satisfy you again.


At that point you truly enter
to the true Hero's adventure
and all you want to do for the rest
of your life is pick away the stone
because the GOLD
is so much more FUN.
~Alan Cohen

FROM FINDING JOE: A story about Joseph Campbell and The Hero's Journey.

✨A beautiful journey of our individual and collective Soul.✨One of the most inspiring AND profound movies about your inner journey to know your Self.✨We need more movies like this to awaken our inner Hero. ✨This is just a start! Recommended for young and old, anyone wants to live their life's fullest potential beyond their pain.✨

Deepak Chopra✨Alan Cohen✨Gay Hendricks✨Rashida Jones✨ Robin, Sharma✨Sir Ken Robinson✨Mick Fleetwood✨Brian Johnson✨ Robert Walter✨Rebbecca Armstrong✨Tony Hawk✨Laird Hamilton✨

✨In the early 20th century, while studying world mythology, Joseph Campbell discovered a pattern hidden in every story ever told and he called it “The Hero's Journey”. ✨

✨A truly inspirational film, FINDING JOE takes us on the ultimate ero's journey: the journey of self discovery. As you slay dragons and uncover treasures, you just may find that the Holy Grail you seek is closer than you think.✨

✨If you've seen this film then you know how much of an impact it could make in the world!

A message from the Producer:
✨If you haven't seen it then you are in for a treat!
✨This is hope, courage and love all wrapped up in an 80 min burrito of inspiration.
✨I promise who ever you share this with thank you.
✨Please share this with as many people as you can... the world needs this message now!
✨With Maximum Love ~ Patrick Takaya Solomon✨