The Soul Heals~Love Heals

Dear Sensitive Soul,



Dear Sensitive Soul,


I know somedays the world feels broken. More and more, we look out into society and see increasing cruelty, intolerance and inequity. Limitation, lack and struggle are the accepted norm, and everyone seems to be walking around like everything is ok... when it really isn't and no one seems really bothered by it.


Except YOU. 


As an empathic Soul, you KNOW things should be different... and you can can feel how they should be different...  you feel all of the pain and suffering of our Collective Soul of humanity deep in the your very CORE of your being. You also carry the eternal scars of fourth-degree heartbreak from your own abandonments, betrayals and let-downs. You’ve shed more tears on your therapist’s couch than the books you’ve read about forgiveness. You’ve written enough deep  Soul-searching journal pages that if you laid them end to end, they’d reach the moon and come back to pierce your heart.


You’ve done more internal work than most, and yet, you still struggle... you still feel broken. How you feel life should be and how it is are radically opposite and you don’t know how to make your external world match your inner knowing. 


If you’ve felt more lost and helpless these past couple of years, it’s because you’re being called to a new way of living, a new way of seeing and experiencing yourself and the world. We’re in an unprecedented time of evolution and expansion. There is no better time than the present to go deeper within and awaken to the truth of who you really are. 


You’ve been living in the matrix, where the wool has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth. You get distracted, lost in your personal problems and challenges as well as the world at large. If you’ve found yourself overthinking, unable to sleep peacefully through the night, taking things too personally and feeling like you keep hitting the same blocks over and over, it’s because you’re trapped in the egoic hold. 


The opposite of this painful pattern is spiritual flow... and trusting that you are here to be a healing force of light in this world... for yourself AND for others.. this is your superpower!  You can learn how to embrace all of you and your gifts!


But while you’re a devoted spiritual student, every time you think you’ve anchored in a new spiritual truth or healing, mass and social media pull you back in, along with your old beliefs and energy patterns, and you find yourself reacting from a place of ego, fear and hurt rather than acting from a place of love, joy and peace, where you know you belong.



I have come to draw you out of yourself and take you into my heart. I have come to bring out the beauty you never knew you had, and lift you like a prayer to the sky. ~Rumi




To free yourself from this painful grip, you must consciously evolve. And the answer to conscious evolution is consistently using your life challenges to deepen your awareness rather than allowing them to regress you back to unconsciousness.


How different would your life be if you learned how to love and nurture yourself?

Set healthy loving boundaries

Release toxic relationship patterns

Gracefully navigating your way through strong emotions like anger or anxiety, while simultaneously deepening your conscious awareness and presence so that eventually, your external problems are no longer problems and you live from a centered place of inner peace, harmony, and joy no matter what’s happening in the world?


If this is calling you please email me at and let me know~ I am happy to schedule a healing session with you... and hold you Sacredly... and guide you... and anchor this vibration in for you with healings until you are able to hold it on your own.


If you feel called to schedule a session

and have someone walk this healing journey with you

heart to heart and Sou to Soul

please go to my CONTACT ME page here 

or email me at 

I look forward to connecting with you and your beautiful Soul soon!

Thank you! oxAmy




Take my hand and let me guide you there! oxAmy