The Soul Heals~Love Heals



It’s an old adage that love heals, but it’s true. Reiki is love in a frequency that we can all access. Reiki is good at healing wounds around love, so it works well for grief (loss) and shame (self-hatred). If you practice Reiki on yourself, you’re much more likely to have a loving relationship with yourself!


Reiki also brings Universal Life Force energy to areas in your body that need it. We call this energy kior chi. This means increased circulation and oxygenation to places that need it. Body tissues begin to break down when there’s not enough blood flowing freely; our blood brings nutrients and oxygen to our bodily systems and removes waste products from the cells.

Reiki also works by releasing stuck and stagnant emotions from body tissues and from our energetic system. When we don’t allow ourselves to express our feelings, they can get packed away in the cells of the body. This is always bad for us. Nerve cells and tissues hold unresolved trauma, and muscle, organ, and fat tissues hold unexpressed emotions.


These pent-up emotions create blocks in the flow of chi through the body, and are a big source of long-term health issues. For example, let’s say you’re a person who never lets yourself cry. You shut down your heart and soldier on, holding all your grief and pain inside. You even hold your

breath to shut down emotions. This shuts down the heart energy center over and over again. After twenty or thirty years of doing this, the actual muscle and tissue of your heart weakens, and chronic physical problems begin.

Reiki helps release that stuck emotional energy from where ever you’re holding it. Sometimes people will have an emotional release while receiving Reiki. They may cry, laugh, or feel angry. This is very healing! If your recipient should have an emotional release (for example, they start crying), just be as supportive as you can. Reiki their heart, hold their hand, and let them talk about anything that comes up. Comfort them as best you can; support them as if they were a friend that came to cry on your shoulder.


Reiki also heals by relaxing the recipient. When we relax, the body’s natural healing capabilities kick in. There have been many scientific studies that prove that stress is a huge killer. Anything we can do to relax and de-stress adds to our sense of well-being.


Reiki is fool proof, because Reiki knows where to go. The energy flows to the spot the person needs it to, without either you or them having to thinking about it. When you put a sponge under running water, the water flows to every area of the sponge that is dry. The sponge and the water don’t try to make this happen, it just does. It’s the same thing with Reiki. The person receiving the Reiki pulls the Reiki to the place they need it most, just like the dry sponge pulls the water to the dry spot.



Reiki energy flows like water through our systems. This allows it to fill in the spots that really need it. When we’re doing Reiki, we trust in the innate wisdom of our recipient’s system, which will pull the Reiki where it needs to go in them.



Reiki heals by...

● Vibrating at the frequency of unconditional love

● Connecting us with Universal Life Force energy

● Bringing life-force energy to tissues in the body that lack good circulation and energy

● Releasing stuck and unexpressed emotions from the body tissues

● Invoking relaxation to kick in the body’s natural healing capabilities







** From "The Art of Psychic Reiki"